CCS staff attended the World Circular Economy Forum in Helsinki, Finland

From 5-7 June 2017, Mr. Nguyen Hong Long, Mrs. Dinh Thao Hoa and two representatives of Elegance Company Ltd. for Research & Development, Manufacturing and Services (Elegance) were present in Helsinki-Finland to attend the main and side events of the World Circular Economic Forum (WCEF).

                                                 Mr. Nguyen Hong Long and Mrs. Dinh Thao Hoa

This is the first time time the Forum was hosted by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment and the Finnish Innovation Fund (SITRA). Attending the forum were more than 1,500 economists, international development organizations, researchers, business representatives and investors. It was the diversity of participants that made forum discussions interesting, exciting and exploding with a lot of multi-dimensional debates and new creative ideas. At the forum, CCS members participated in 15 sessions on topics such as Economic Research, SMEs Support, New Technologies, Business Models, Production Trends , Consumption and Investment trends and Circular economy channels. Mr. Nguyen Hong Long delivered a presentation on Eco-innovation at the session on Strategic Partnership Building to promote Circular economy and Eco-innovation. His presentation received a lot of feedbacks, interest and cooperation offers from international partners attending in the event. In addition, the innovation models of Vietnamese enterprises presented by Mr. Long also attracted a lot of attention of the audience. As an experienced expert in Sustainable Production and Consumption and recently Eco-Innovation, Mr. Long asserted: Implementing Eco-innovation towards building circular economy is an indispensable trend of the production-consumption society for sustainable development. This statement was approved and shared by most of the experts who attended in the event. 

                        Mr. Long’s presentation earned a lot of attention from the experts attending in the event

In addition, CCS members had an opportunity to broaden their understanding of the actualization of the Circular economic theory around the world by visiting underground power plants operating on renewable energy in Finland or by participating in a roundtable discussion on innovative business models applying the Circular economy of successful entrepreneurs.

Invited by CCS to attend the forum, Elegance company also had a valuable opportunity to meet with investors from Europe to present their innovative business model and call for funding for further development.

You can watch the contents of the discussions here 

With its intelligence, ability to learn relentlessly, and applicability and researching capacity, CCS has quickly integrated itself into the new development trend of the world - the circular economy - and made practical contributions to promote this new development trend in Vietnam. Currently, CCS has published two articles and a study on the applicability of circular economy in Vietnam, and the implementation of the Eco-innovation project to test the capacity for innovation towards sustainable development among Vietnamese enterprises in a number of industries such as: food processing, Beer and Paper production and pulp processing.




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